What is our mission?
The mission of the company is to protect and preserve animal health.
The contribution that this company provides in this regard lies in the opportunities offered to manufacturers, representative companies and distributors of veterinary medicinal products, accessories for use in veterinary medicine or food supplements for animals, that with reasonable investment in one place get professional and comprehensive solutions as well as complete structure of activities and services necessary for successful launch and marketing of their products on the Croatian market.
Introduction and positioning of veterinary medicinal products, accessories for use in veterinary medicine or food supplements for animals implies a structure of activity that requires additional human resources and thus large investments. Because of that, great number of veterinary medicinal products, accessories for use in veterinary medicine or food supplements for animals doesn’t see daylight on the Croatian market or they are being withdrawn from it because their commercialization compared to the investment has no economic viability. Many of these products could additionally contribute to the protection and preservation of animal health and additionally improve the work of veterinary medicine practitioners in everyday practice. For this reason, M2Guide company is founded to enable Animal health manufacturers, representative companies and distributors to successfully launch and market their products on the Croatian market with reasonable investments. This way the market would not be lacking a large number of potentially quality products for animal health protection.
An important task of the company is to educate veterinarians about the proper use of the represented product, product characteristics from the practical and scientific aspect, and the impact that the use of such product has on a vet and his patient. Also, by collecting information about the practical use of a presented product and transferring this information for educational purposes, M2Guide takes care to collect the maximum useful guidelines for product use for animal health protection purposes.
The vision of the company is to become the leading provider of services and activities for the successful introduction and positioning of veterinary medicinal products, accessories for use in veterinary medicine or food supplements for animals recognized by a majority of Animal health manufacturers, representative companies and distributors.
The vision of the company is to become company that will with its contribution to launches and positioning of mentioned products have positive impact on the protection and conservation of animal health as well as on the improvement of veterinary practitioners work in their everyday practice.