Client management

Your clients – our concern

For quality customer management, it is important to have a good knowledge of the market, educated and skilled staff and tailored relationship with each individual customer.

M2Guide d.o.o. company cooperates with a great number of veterinary organizations throughout whole territory of Croatia. We approach to each organization analytically, strategically and operationally. That means that depending on the represented product, we dedicate a sufficient amount of time to each customer for:

  • Analysis and preparation,
  • Creation of promotional strategy and approach,
  • Execution of prepared activities and
  • Feedback and monitoring of the outcome and commercialization of the represented product

These processes lead to development of unique approach to each client and creation a closed circle that is repeated over and over again in order to achieve required positioning of your product on market and to reach commercial success.

Plavi kriz horiz tekst engl 2

A&P KrizOur ongoing analysis, knowledge and tracking of market trends in business of veterinary medical products, veterinary supplies and animal nutrition supplements, and customer feedback help us in creation of short-term and long-term strategy for your products. In that manner we:

  • Analyse the commercialization of your product,
  • Analyse the market situation and market share of competitive products,
  • Gather information on marketing and commercial activities of competitive products,
  • Update previously known variables such as segmentation and classification of veterinary organizations.

All collected information’s helps us in the next process, which is creation of promotional approach and strategy.

Kreiranje strategijeAfter analysis and preparation, we approach the creation of a promotional approach and strategy, taking into account:

  • Results of previously performed analyses,
  • The quality of your product and the benefits it brings to the client,
  • Segmentation and classification of clients.

Based on these data we create list of clients and individual approach that enables greater dedication to each and every one of them, personalizing marketing approach and using targeted strategies to achieve better commercial success.

Izvrsenje aktivnostiAppearance is 80% of success.

This is the saying of one Hollywood movie director which along with some of the prerequisites we mentioned in the previous steps, and along with the knowledge and quality of the staff that does the ‘appearance’, can easily transfer to our business.
Of course, we dedicate great importance and most of our time to personal contacts with our clients, key decision makers in veterinary organisations. This kind of contact makes over 90% of our total customer contact management.
In this process, apart from analysis and preparation, created promotional approach and strategy, great importance has our educated and skilled staff with skills that are taught through the attendance of numerous educational workshops and which are subsequently perfected with long-time working in practice. These skills present basic tools we use in process here and they guarantee the success of our work.

Povratne analizeIn this process we summarize the information’s obtained by implementing all the above steps and we prepare a strategy for further activities.
Here we:

  • analyse the feedback received from the clients themselves,
  • analyse the commercialization of your product,
  • update information on the market situation and competitive products,
  • update information on marketing and commercial activities of competitive products,
  • update the segmentation and classification of veterinary organizations.

Based on all these information’s, we adapt the promotional approach and strategy and continue to act accordingly.

Select M2Guide because with us

  • You will get to know better the market situation and will be readier for a market match,
  • You will at all times be aware of all the essential information that affects the commercialization of your product
  • You will have an educated and professional partner with many years of experience who has good business relationship and cooperation with the majority of veterinary organizations throughout the Republic of Croatia and who knows how to approach every each one of them

Select M2Guide because with us you will have all the prerequisites for successful management of your clients!